The design role of fabric formwork for rammed earth
Speculative design of fabric formed rammed earth facade
Aesthetics of fabric formed rammed earth: how materials and builders contribute to design
Intertwined: Flood-resilient Houses in Pakistan - Major Building Materials Explained
Building rammed earth with bamboo and cotton fabric formwork / Earth Workshop Part 2 in Venice Architecture Biennale 2023
Beauty in Weathering on Rammed Earth
Could tarpaulin-formed rammed earth be a housing solution for flood-affected people?
Sensual earth
Is it possible to build fabric formed rammed earth with an electric rammer?
Unearthing the quality of rammed earth through fabric formwork
Wish you a Merry Christmas!
Fabric formed earth roof design and construction for a doghouse
Morphological change revealed through fabric formed rammed earth construction process
Design and fabrication of fabric formed rammed earth doghouse/ Phase 2 construction
Repairing the rammed earth doghouse
'Weave' Senegal Elementary School is featured at Design Nuance
To what extent is the fabric formed rammed earth wall eroded after 5 months?
Flood-resilient Earthen Construction Technology Lecture at the University of Art and Design Linz
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Build a doghouse with earth_Part3: ramming course and the completion of fabric formed rammed earth